Wednesday 11 May 2016


     I am strongly argue that different advertisement written in English language for rural area society, these they could not read and speak English language. Advertising written in English language undermines for the society in rural areas but, encourage the foreign languages.because the languages of the advertisement does not matched with the skills, experience, atittudes,status and  cultural background; In short in demographics and psychographics of the society or the peoples in Ethiopia.

   In addition to this advertisement in English should be obstacle for rural area society due to out of consideration official language of the society .for example, in Ethiopia Amharic language is official language. So when  the advertisement does not written in Amharic language the rural area society could not well understand and read the message .

     Whey advertisement could not written in Amharic in Ethiopia for the society? Is it Amharic language may not be confer table to understand in the appeal of the society? In this case there is no communication or connection between the owner of the advertisement and the society in the sake of the different advertisement should be write in Amharic language. Because it expresses and the develops demographics status and language of the society in Ethiopia.

     Generally, advertising in the appeal of the society should be write in Amharic based on demographic, psychographic generation ,skill knowledge, experience in the official languages of the society. When advertisement written in Amharic considering the above listed; it should leads to success and it must be more significant for the development of Ethiopian official language and culture. The advertisement leads to easily understand, so the advertising written in Amharic is  highly important in the appeal of society.


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