Friday 13 May 2016



    I am strongly argue, the facts that the advertiser need to disseminate or announce their restaurant message in the hidden way basically .This advisement has so many defects when they advert fir customer attraction. That means in this advertisement there is no clear information. Even though, is it possible to announce or to advert without official language? The purpose of this advertisement could not know when we see the way of disseminated for what to announce about.

   In addition to this, the advertisement does not have significant meaning full information in which the advertisement could not clear the specific address and for what to announce about, either for hotel, restaurant, trade shop or swimming place..etc. That leads to confusion. Whey the advertisement could not written in the official language Amharic or Tigrigna in tigray ?  For example, it undermines our official language Amharic or Tigrigna language. Whey not includes their tar gate audience skills, experience, demography, psychographic, and generation in their consideration?
   Furthermore, the owner of the advertisement is stands to announce their restaurant unless there is no clarification on the core point of the message. Also the societies which use Tigrigna language, they could not use English due to the lack of meaning and lack of clear ness of nomination due to this, most of the users of Tigrigna language.
    Generally, in this grand awash advertisement on the way should be written in the official language Amharic or Tigrigna language. Based on the customer demographic, psychographic, experience and skills and should be including the items, foods, and drinks on the bill board. Should be defined specific address. All of those include in their consideration .Should be attract or handle customers easily and if the message is obvious should be profitable on the way as well as it has high base of local language development.

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